Class SmartyPants

STUDENTS, Ages 7-14

3-D Printing Club for “Smarty Pants” Students

Bud Werner Library, The Project Room

Mondays, 3:30-5:30 pm

Cost $120

What is Class SmartyPants?

Class SmartyPants is a STEM program designed for talented and gifted students who wish to participate in an after school program. The program is inquiry-based and follows the philosohpy of the AMTA (Modellng) Teaching Curriculum. Students are given various materials and are told to think about what they can measure about the setup. Then they partner, collaborate, expound, and collectively design an experiment to conduct. All projects involve each component of STEM. Art is incorporated where applicable.

Project 1 - 3-D Printing Using The Bambu

If you could 3-D print your own original idea, what would it be? What would you use it for? Could you use a 3-D printer to make your friends’ Christmas presents? What kinds of tools and instruments would you need to get started?